Does Your AC Need A Repair Or A Replacement?

How can you decide if it is time for an AC repair or AC replacement? – It’s a common query. It might be tough to determine if you require AC repair or replacement. To make a choice, you must evaluate several variables. 

An average air conditioner lasts about 15-20 years, according to Energy Star. This guide will help you decide when it is right to look for AC repair in Houston or just get a repair done.

What is AC repair?

Air conditioner repair is a type of service that deals with problems, including strange sounds and leakage. It ensures that your air conditioner is trouble-free and in good operating order. Checking your air conditioner for problems will help you determine the source of the problem. 

A comprehensive AC repair entails performing all of the work to guarantee that the unit is operating as intended.

What is AC replacement?

When a professional replaces a component of the unit or the complete AC system, it is known as a replacement. If you think your AC needs replacement, look for AC installation in Richmond

There are instances when you only need to repair a portion of your air conditioning system, but it is more cost-effective to replace the entire unit. It will cost you more money today, but it will be a wise investment for the long run. 

When do you need AC repair?

If you want to be better that your AC unit needs a repair or tune-up, you must examine many criteria.

  • Your AC is younger than a decade

Yes, the age of an air conditioner has an impact on its efficiency. Your air conditioner is deemed young if it has been in service for less than ten years and can still be fixed. The AC may operate like a new one if the repair is done properly.

  • The cost of repair is less than replacement

Repairing an air conditioner is usually less expensive than replacing it. If the problems are more serious than normal, the repair may be more expensive.

  • The SEER rating is high

The performance capacity of your air conditioning equipment is measured by the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER). The greater the SEER rating of an air conditioner, the more effective it is. 

When do you need AC replacement?

  • AC is older than a decade

If your system is more than 10 years old, it will not be as efficient as a new one. As a result, you’ll need to get it replaced. A new air conditioner will help you save money on your energy costs.

  • Repairs are costing you more

You should replace your air conditioner if you’re paying 50% or more of the cost of a new one. It’s the most realistic option.

  • AC uses Freon

Freon, a coolant molecule, harms the ozone layer and has been prohibited since 2010. If your air conditioner still utilizes Freon, it’s necessary to update it.

To get the best, most affordable installation or AC service in Houston, call us today.

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